Into My World: tagged by capiq

Monday, 7 December 2009

tagged by capiq

act tyra pown de tag jgak..
then capiq lak tag..
so aq wat la..

What is your current ringtone?

3oh!3 feat. katy perry - starstrukk

What is your current wallpaper?
gamba yg bertjuk 'couple'



Do you own a picture phone?
ade kowt..

What was the last picture you took?
gmba warge asing dlm bas awam..


Go to your inbox and type what the 10th text message says?
msj dr my classmte: herwansyah

"ndak la kdng2 ja.."

How many contacts do you have on your phone?
contacts 286 , numbers 299..

Who was the last person you spoke to on your cell phone?

smlm ngan abah kai no mak..

What service do you have?
celcom ngan maxis

At this very moment, how many bars do you have for your service?
due2 pno..

Who's on your speed dial numbers?
abah,mak,abg feakry,atiqa zainal,hotlink balance,aza along,celcom balance..

Do you have voicemail?
tah,,aq pown ta mxs x dek voicemail x psg..

How many contacts do you have that start with J- Who are they?
x dek..

Who do you call the most?
ase nye arin ngan herwan kowt..

How many text messages do you get a month?
aq x kre lak pkai bulan..haha..

Can you send pictures?

What are the first 2 digits to your number?

Go to your SENT texts..what does the first one say?
kasik kt herwansyah..

"hr2 er?"

What about the 15th?
anta kt mak..

"owh..sume ikot ye?"

Who's the last person that you called?
miscall adek: zarif..

Last person that texted you?
herwansyah..dy mmg ske msj2 org tnpe tjuan..kwn aq yg lg sorg tu dah x lrt nk reply msj pown mls nk lyn sgt..da r dy taip ape pown kdg aq x paam..abes kua sume bhs sabahan dy..lae2 huruf jawi 'ba'..ape2 sket mst ade 'baaa...' lol..

Last person you added to your contacts?
spe bru along..dy pna tepon gne no aq lpe nk sve tu dy msj wish hr ry hj,,aq tnye blek tu spe..haha..

How many minutes are on your plan?
capiq jwb ini "topup la..xpakai contract line."

aq x bpe nk paam sokln..ngee~

Go down to your 5th contact, who is it?
my onii-chan..abg feakry..

Wanna give out your number?
err..kwn2 sume tau no aq en??

Who you wanna tag?
naim, adieb, shiqin, rozuan..

buat jgn x buat!! 

##sokln yg aq jwb sume dr no clcm..


kamsahamnida reader-ssi ^.-

~verily after each difficulty,there's a relief.. ;D~